Form Field Properties


The fields in ITAM have various properties that are configured for their use. Some properties are specific to a particular field type, while others are common to almost every field type.

This section of the guide will discuss each property and its intended purpose. It is meant to be a reference if you have questions about the properties while adding a Field to a Form.

Form Field Properties

Every field on an ITAM form has properties that configure its use in the form. First, we will cover general properties used on one or more Field Types; then, we will look at groups of options that work together.

General Properties


The AutoPlay property is specific to the Media Player field. Checking the box will cause the view to start playing when the user accesses the page automatically.

Choice Columns

The Choice Columns property applies to the Checkbox and Multiple Choice field types. Set the number of columns being used to display the columns. Inline Columns mean the choices are sitting next to each other.

Choices and Scores

The Choices and Scores property applies to the Checkbox, Dropdown, and Multiple Choice field types. Use the plus and minus signs to add and delete choices. Click on the option to make it the default selection. Enter a numerical value in the field adjacent to the response text. This value will be used for risk-weighting or other analytical calculations.

The Bulk insert option allows you to add multiple options as a comma-separated list instead of one at a time.

Choose Form to Cascade

This property is specific to the Cascade field type and is used to select the form to cascade.

Make This Form Invisible in the User Portal

This property is specific to the Cascade field type and makes the cascaded form invisible in the user portal, but it can still be used.

Currency Format

This property is specific to the Price field. The Currency Format sets the format used to display the currency.

Available Formats:

  • Dollars
  • Euros
  • Pounds Sterling
  • Yen
  • Baht
  • Forint
  • Francs
  • Koruna
  • Krona
  • Pesos
  • Rand
  • Ringgit
  • Rupees
  • ZÃoty
  • Riyals
  • AED

Date Format

This option is specific to the Date field type. The available options are American (MM/DD/YYYY) or European (DD/MM/YYYY) date formats.


This property is specific to the Syndication field type. It toggles whether to include or exclude the date/time of the RSS Messages.

Default Country

The Default Country property is specific to the Address field type. Setting this value will pre-populate the country field with your selection.

Default Date

This option is specific to the Date field type. The field will be pre-populated by setting this value with the date you enter. Use the format DD/MM/YYYY or any English date words, such as:

  • "Today"
  • "Tomorrow"
  • "Last Friday"
  • "+1 week"
  • "Last day of next month"
  • "3 days ago"
  • "Monday next week"

Default Value

Setting this value will pre-populate the field with the text you enter. The default value should be formatted to be valid for field types with specific formatting requirements (e.g., phone and email).

Enable Action ITAM

This option enables the Action ITAM feature to be associated with this field, allowing Examiners and Users to communicate about it.

Enable Field Notes

This option enables field notes, a great collaboration tool that allows all users to utilize team messages with an active visual indication.

Enable Rich Text

If checked, it enables Rich Text for the user, allowing for more excellent formatting options.

Enable Status Indicator

This option displays a visual indicator of progress, helping to inform everyone of the status of the multitude of form fields, inputs, and controls in real time.

Field Label

The field label property is available for many but not all field types. Field Labels are meant to be one or two words above the field.

Field Size

This property sets the visual appearance of the field in your form. It does not limit nor increase the data the field can collect.

Three options are available.

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large

Field Type

Field Type determines what kind of data can be collected by your field. After you save the form, the field type cannot be changed. If you want to include a different field type at that point, you must add a new field type to the form and delete the previous one.

Field URL

This property is specific to the Syndication field type. It is meant to contain the URL of the feed.

Field Visible To

Controls who can view a field on a form have two options:


This is the default option. The field will be accessible to anyone when the form is made public.

Admin Only

Fields set to 'Admin Only' will not be shown to users when the form is made public.

NoteWhen viewing in the Form Builder, a field set to Admin Only will be denoted by a lock icon.

Guidelines for User

This property is for text displayed to the form user while filling out the associated field.


This property is specific to the Syndication field type. It is meant to contain the Feed box height.

Label Background

Many, but not all, Field Types with a Field Label also have a Label Background property. Where available, the Label Background is an optional HTML Color code for the background color of the Field Label. A Color Picker will be presented to facilitate the selection of an appropriate color.

Label Color

Many, but not all, Field Types with a Field Label also have a Label Color property. If available, this is an option HTML Color code for the text color of the Field Label. A Color Picker will be presented to facilitate the selection of an appropriate color.


The Loop property is specific to the Media Player field. Checking the box will have the video loop.

Media Type

The Media Type property is specific to the Media Player field. Select Video or Image.

Media Source

The Media Source property is specific to the Media Player field.

Media File

The Media File property is specific to the Media Player field. Select a local or remote file.

Name Format

This property is specific to the Name field type. Four formats are available.

  • A normal name field
  • A normal name field with title and suffix
  • A full name field
  • A full name field with title and suffix

No of RSS Msg

This property is specific to the Syndication field type. Use it to set the Number of RSS Messages displayed in the Feed Box.

Phone Format

This property is specific to the Phone field type. Two formats are available.

  • US (###-###-####)
  • International

Record Prefix

This property is specific to the Record ID field type. Use it to set a prefix to be displayed in front of the auto-generated number created by the Record ID field to identify the unique record (entry) with which it is associated.

Rich Text Fields

Many of the more significant text field properties allow for rich text. Rich text fields allow for more outstanding formatting options than simple text fields and provide buttons to simplify everyday formatting needs.

Scroll Speed

This property is specific to the Syndication field type. Use it to set the Feed Box Scroll Speed.

Scroll Direction

This property is specific to the Syndication field type. Use it to set the Feed Box Scroll Direction.

Template Code

This is an advanced template option. You can add a custom template variable to the parent element of this field. This is useful if you would like to generate Template Reports using IT Audit Machine form data. These custom template codes will not appear live in the Form Builder but only on the live form.


This property is specific to the Syndication field type. It is meant to be within the width of the feed box.

Address Options

The address field type has some options which apply only to it.

Hide Address Line

Hide the 'Address Line 2' field from the address field.

Restrict to U.S. State Selector

Checking this will limit the country selection to the United States only, and the state field will be populated with the U.S. state list.

Advanced Option

Fields have advanced options that are specific to the field type.

Enable as Quantity Field

This option is specific to the Number field type. Enable this option if your form is payment-enabled and you need to use the quantity field to calculate the total price. When checked, it will display an option to select the target field for the calculation from a dropdown list. The target field type must be one of the following: Multiple-Choice, Drop-down, Checkboxes, or Price.

Choices Options

Allow Client to Add Other choices

Enabling this option will allow your client to write a custom answer if none of the other choices apply. The label below the checkbox will be displayed to the user, and the numerical value assigned will be used the same way as the other options.

Randomize Choices

Enabling this option will shuffle the choices each time the form is displayed.


Enter column labels here. Use the plus and minus buttons to add and delete a matrix column. The Bulk Insert option allows you to create multiple columns quickly.

Column Label

Label to display on the row


Score value for this column

Date Options

The Date field type has several options which are specific to dates.

Enable Minimum and Maximum Dates

You can set minimum and maximum dates for when a date may be chosen.

Enable Date Selection Limit

This is useful for reservation or booking forms so that you can allocate each day for a maximum number of customers. For example, setting the value to 5 will ensure that the exact date can't be booked/selected by more than five customers.

Disable [Past|Future] Dates

Checking this option and picking “past” or “future” will disable the selection of either past or future dates.

Disable Weekend Dates

Checking this option will disable all weekend dates.

Disable Specific Dates

You can disable any specific dates to prevent your clients from selecting them. Use the Date Picker to disable multiple dates.

Field Embed Options

These options allow you to control how the field is embedded in the form. The configuration options are:

User Type

Select Admin or Portal.

Code Type

Select the iframe Code, Simple link, or Popup link.

Matrix Options

Additional options for Matrix field types only.

Allow Multiple Answers Per Row

This option will allow your client to select multiple answers for each row. It can only be set once when you initially add the matrix field. Once you have saved the form, this option can't be changed.

Page Submit Buttons

A set of options to control how a Page is submitted by the user when using the Page Break field type.

Use Text Button

This is the default and recommended option. All buttons will use simple text. You can change the text used on each page submit/back button. You may modify the default values easily.

Submit Button

Text for the Submit Button.

Back Button

Text for the Back Button.

Use Image Button

Select this option if you prefer to use your own submit/back image buttons. Make sure to enter the full URL address to your images. You may modify the default values easily.

Submit Button. Image URL

URL for the location of the Submit Button Image

Back Button. Image URL

URL for the location of the Back Button Image


Some numerical fields can be constrained to only allow data within a specific range.


Minimum value for the range


Maximum value for the range

Limit By

In the case of a Number Field, you can limit the number of characters typed to be between certain characters or words or between specific values. Leave the value blank or 0 if you don’t want to set any limit.


Enter row labels here. Use the plus and minus buttons to add and delete a matrix row. The Bulk Insert option allows you to create multiple rows quickly.

Row Label

Label to display on the row

Template Code

This is an advanced template option. Template code for this row.


These options set validation rules for the field.

No Duplicates

Checking this rule will verify that the data entered into this field is unique and has not been submitted previously.


Checking this rule ensures that a user fills out a particular field. If they have not, a message will be displayed to them.

Scroll Bar Options

This section is specific to the Syndication field type. The options control some aspects of the behavior of the scroll bar.

Scroll Bar

This radio option will provide a scroll bar for scrolling the Feed Box.

Auto Scroll

Selecting this radio option will automatically scroll the feed.

Section Break Options

A set of options specific to the Section Break field type.

Display Section Break in Email

Enable this option if you need to display the content of the section break within the notification email, review page, and entry page.

Enable Scrollbar

The section break will be set to a fixed height, and a vertical scrollbar will be displayed as needed. This is useful for displaying a large amount of text, such as terms of agreement or contract agreements.

Text Options

Some fields provide options that control how the text is displayed to the user.

Display as Password Field

Checking this will display the field as a Password Field and mask all the characters (shown as asterisks or circles). Please be aware that no encryption is being made for the password field. You can see it from the admin panel/email as plain text.

Time Options

Time options are specific to the Time field type and define some aspects of how time will be displayed in that field.

Show Seconds Field

Checking this will enable the Seconds field on your time field.

Use 24-Hour Format

This will enable 24-hour notation in the form hh:mm (for example, 14:23) or hh:mm:ss (for example, 14:23:45)

Upload Options

Upload options are specific to the Upload field type, and rules are defined around what types of uploads are allowed and how they will be handled.

Limit File Upload Type

You can block or only allow certain file types to be uploaded. Choose “Block” to block only those file types entered. Choose “Allow” to only allow the file types entered. Provide a comma-separated list of file type extensions to which you want to apply the rule.

Send File as an  Email Attachment

By default, all files uploaded will be sent to your email as a download link. Checking this option will send the files as an email attachment instead.

Warning: Don’t enable this option if you expect to receive large client files. The email will not be sent if the files attached are larger than your server's memory limit.

Enable Advanced Uploader

Checking this option will enable advanced functionality, such as an Upload Progress Bar, Multiple File Uploads, AJAX uploads, and a File Size Limit.

Note: It is recommended that you enable this option.

Enable Synced Upload

Checking this option will enable Synced File Upload.

Advanced Uploader Options

The uploader field has some advanced options beyond the basic settings.

Automatically Upload Files

By default, the Upload button or the Form Submit Button must be clicked to start uploading the file. If this option is checked, a file will automatically begin uploading as soon as it is selected.

Allow Multiple File Upload

Checking this option will allow multiple files to be uploaded. Use the associated text box to limit the number of files allowed.

Limit File Size

Checking this option will limit the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded to the value set in the associated text box.

Allow Selecting Files Previously Uploaded

Checking this box will allow entity users to select a file previously uploaded into any form owned by that entity instead of uploading a new file.

This section covered the various properties that can be set on the Form Fields. Next, we will discuss working with the data entered into a form using the Entry Manager.