What Documents Are Required for FedRAMP Authorization?

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The federal government leans more heavily on technology providers, including cloud computing platforms that support data storage, processing, and office application solutions. Accordingly, the question of data security is live, and the government’s response is to implement the FedRAMP authorization requirement. 

Like many other government programs, FedRAMP can threaten to bury the under prepared provider under a mountain of documents. Here, we’ll briefly cover the basics of FedRAMP documents and required reporting.


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Protected Health Information, File Sharing and Email

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Protecting patient information is a crucial and necessary part of healthcare… but so is communicating effectively with patients. Considering that email continues to be the most common form of electronic communication, it stands to reason that providers meet patients where they are. 

However, HIPAA regulations have rather strict requirements for protecting PHI, and plain email just doesn’t cut it. Here, we’ll discuss how to effectively use email to engage with patients without breaking compliance.


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What Are Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP)?

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Any organization in the healthcare industry knows that cybersecurity is a critical component of doing business. So much so, in fact, that any enterprise handling protected health information (PHI) must implement and maintain strict cybersecurity and privacy controls to protect patient data from unauthorized disclosure. 

However, understanding that HIPAA is a requirement for operation doesn’t necessarily make compliance or effective cybersecurity much easier to implement. That’s why an initiative conceived by government agencies, known as the Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP), was put into action to align security along with government and industry best practices. 


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