My Dashboard
The My Dashboard page combines key information and pending tasks into one intelligent, actionable interface. It is only available to Examiners and Users.
In this section, we will explore the areas of the My Dashboard interface, how each works, and how they make completing your tasks within the system easier.
My Dashboard View
The My Dashboard page is divided into three main areas: your Action ITAMs, Form Scores, and Status and Risk Indicators. Each area is designed to provide important information at your fingertips.
Action ITAMS
Action ITAMs represent a hybrid communication tool and tasker, allowing Examiners and Users to collaborate to help achieve compliance. The top left section of the My Dashboard interface displays the Action ITAMs currently assigned to you and allows you to view more information about each.
Each line item in the list of Action ITAMs displays the Form Name, Title, Action ITAM, and Due Date of the associated Action ITAM. Clicking on the Form Name will bring you to the field in the form, allowing you to access the Action ITAMs on that field. The line items can also be sorted using the three (3) ellipses menu in the display's top left by selecting the desired sort.
Note: The default sort is by Date.
To the left of the Action ITAM section of the dashboard are one or more tabs listing the Entities to which you have access. The Action ITAMs displayed will only be related to whichever entity is selected. For more information, see the Action ITAM section of this guide.
The My Dashboard interface's scores section displays the scores of the selected form. When first viewing the interface, the Score section will be empty, pending selecting one of the forms from the lower section of the Dashboard. As soon as you click on a form in the lower section of the dashboard, the associated scores will be displayed.
The Status Score displays the number of fields in each status, and the score is the ratio of compliant fields to the total number of fields. Risk is calculated based on the score of compliant controls (green) vs less compliant scores. Maturity is a calculation involving risk percentage and the number of compliant fields.
- A higher Status Score is better, showing better progress toward completion and compliance.
- A lower Risk Score is preferable, indicating a lower level of risk in the monitored system.
- A higher Maturity Score is desired, as it shows that an entity has mitigated risk well and has made better progress toward compliance.
Status and Risk Indicators
The My Dashboard screen's lower section displays the forms available to you and some key information about their status.
On the left of the section are the Form names in a format similar to the Form Manager. On the right is a color-coded count of the number of fields in each of the four (4) available statuses. For more information about what status each color represents and what it means, see the Status Indicators section of the guide.
Above the expanded form name is the icon for accessing the entries created for this form. To learn more about working with form entries, see this guide's Form Entries section. Below the expanded form name are tiles representing any Control Groups in the form, color-coded by their current maturity level.
For more information on how the control group tiles are used and control groups in general, see the Control Group section of this guide.