FedRAMP and Evolving Requirements for MSPs and SaaS Providers

FedRAMP featured

The FedRAMP OMB has recently released a memorandum on modernizing the standard to address new realities in digital technology.  This shift reflects the increasing reliance on Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and the strategic roles of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) in the federal, as well as the impact of new technologies like artificial intelligence.

This article aims to summarize some of these pivotal updates to FedRAMP, unraveling their implications for service providers navigating the nuanced federal marketplace. 


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How Can Managed Service Providers Handle GDPR Regulations?

GDPR featured

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has fundamentally transformed the data protection landscape for organizations operating within the European Union. Managed Service Providers, essential partners for many businesses, must also carefully navigate GDPR compliance to protect their clients’ data and maintain trust. Understanding the implications of GDPR on MSPs and their services is vital for ensuring a compliant and secure environment.

This article provides a comprehensive guide for MSPs to understand their roles and responsibilities under GDPR. We will delve into the distinctions between MSPs as data processors or data controllers, explore the concept of shared responsibility with their clients, and outline key GDPR obligations for MSPs. In addition, we will discuss best practices for achieving compliance, overcoming common challenges, and the benefits of adhering to GDPR requirements.

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Managed Service Providers: How Secure Are Your Services?

MSPs featured

The increasing use of cloud vendors and third-party providers has made advanced IT infrastructure and expertise available even to smaller organizations. It has also created an interconnected ecosystem of businesses, government agencies, utility firms and managed service providers (MSPs) that can potentially compromise security across multiple systems. 

If you’re a managed service provider, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your systems are secure, that your partnerships are equally secure, and that you maintain continuing risk management and monitoring against all services. 


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