What Is FedRAMP Connect?

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There are two clear paths through FedRAMP Authorization–the agency path and the much less-common Joint Authorization Board (JAB) path. While much more rigorous, this second course opens up several critical doors for cloud offerings that provide real and significant value to various federal agencies. However, the JAB path is exclusive and requires that cloud service providers be accepted into the FedRAMP Connect program.

This is no small feat and requires significant work on the part of the CSP to justify why their offering is uniquely impactful for the federal government marketplace.

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What Is FedRAMP JAB Provisional Authorization?

JAB featured

Last week, we discussed the process for Agency Authorization under FedRAMP guidelines. This route is, by far, the most common form of Authorization and one that most cloud providers will engage with. However, there are several use cases where a provider may seek more rigorous assessment to better open doors to serve with agencies across the government. As such, these CSPs may seek Provisional Authorization to Operate (P-ATO) from the Joint Authorization Board.

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What Is the FedRAMP Agency Authorization Process?

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As cloud service providers pursue their FedRAMP authorization process, they face a significant choice stemming from their ultimate goals in the federal space. This decision is based on how they are pursuing their working relationships with federal agencies and how well the provider is prepared for the rigorous FedRAMP assessment process. When a provider enters directly into a working relationship with a federal agency, they will almost certainly work through the FedRAMP “Agency” process.


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