System Settings


Administrators can access system-wide configuration settings by clicking the Settings button on the ITAM main menu.

System Settings

The System Settings interface allows the administrator to define various system-wide settings. The following provides an overview of each pane in the System Settings interface.

System Settings


If outgoing system-generated emails, such as form notifications, are not successful, enabling this option will most likely be necessary. This will send all emails from the IT Audit Machine through an SMTP server.

Select the checkbox to enable the Use SMTP Server to Send Emails option.

  • SMTP Server: This option allows you to specify an external host to process SMTP requests instead of ITAM's native capability.
  • Use Authentication: You can use authenticated methods to send ITAM’s SMTP-based messages, but we highly recommend doing so.
  • Use TLS/SSL: Encryption keeps your SMTP message sessions private, so should you decide to utilize an alternative to the integrated ITAM SMTP capabilities, use encryption.
  • SMTP User Name: You must provide an SMTP user name with secure SMTP systems.
  • SMTP Password: You must provide an SMTP password using secure SMTP systems.
  • SMTP Port: This port will vary with providers, so please verify this with them.

SAML for Single Sign-On

  • Base URL: Set a BaseURL instead of trying to guess the BaseURL of the view that processes the SAML Message. Ex.
  • SP Entity Id: Identifier of the SP entity (must be a URI).
  • NameIDFormat: Specifies constraints on the name identifier to represent the requested subject.
  • SP x509cert: Usually, x509cert and the private key of the SP are provided by files placed in the certs folder. However, we can also provide them with the SP x509cert and SP PrivateKey parameters.
  • SP PrivateKey: The SP x509cert and private key are usually provided by files placed in the certs folder. However, we can also provide them with the SP x509cert and SP PrivateKey parameters.
  • IDP Entity Id: Identifier of the SP entity (must be a URI)
  • IDP SingleSignOnService: SSO endpoint info of the IdP. (Authentication Request protocol) URL Target of the IdP where the SP will send the Authentication Request Message.
  • IDP SingleLogoutService: The SLO endpoint information of the IdP. The URL Location of the IdP where the SP will send the SLO Request.
  • IDP x509cert: Public x509 certificate of the IdP.

Security Settings

Security Settings

  • Enforce Multi-Factor Authentication on Users: Select this option to enforce multi-factor authentication for your administrative users, which is highly recommended for enhanced security. This feature requires the use of a smartphone. If enabled, all IT Audit Machine users are enrolled in Multi-Factor Authentication. Once enabled, the IT Audit Machine will need a six-digit security code generated by a TOTP authentication mobile application and the standard password whenever they sign in to the IT Audit Machine.

  • Disable Email-Based OTP: This feature will disable email-based OTP.

  • Enable IP Address Restriction: Select this option so all users can only log in to the IT Audit Machine administrative panel from the IP address listed here. Users from other IP addresses will be blocked.

  • Enable Account Locking: Select this option to lock an administrator's account for a defined number of minutes. After several invalid login attempts, the administrative user will be temporarily locked out of ITAM. It is recommended that this setting match your corporate access control policy.

  • Enable Session Timeout: If enabled, the user's account will be temporarily locked after several invalid login attempts.

  • Enable site down: Select this option to force the User and Admin Portals offline. This action will prevent all accounts except the primary site administrator from accessing the portal. Our customers commonly refer to this as the "kill switch."

  • Allow self-registration in User Portal: If enabled, users will be permitted to self-register an account in the User Portal. It also enables or disables User Portal managers from inviting new users to their Entity or "collaboration group."

  • Enable Password Expiration: If enabled, the passwords of the ITAM users will expire after a given period.

  • Enforce 50% Rule on Passwords: If enabled, the passwords of the ITAM users will be generated automatically. Users will not be allowed to choose their passwords.

  • Enable Automatic Account Suspensions for Inactivity: If enabled, ITAM users, including admins, will be suspended for inactivity based on the number of days the administrator sets.

  • Enable Automatic Account Deletion for Inactivity: If enabled, ITAM users, including admins, will be deleted for inactivity based on the number of days set by the administrator.

  • Invite and Password Reset Link Expirations: The generated links for Registrations and password Resets will expire in days based on the value set, and users will no longer be able to use those links to register or reset their passwords.

  • Site reCAPTCHA Key: These are the keys required to use reCAPTCHA on your forms for spam protection.

  • Secret reCAPTCHA Key: These are the keys required to use reCAPTCHA on your forms for spam protection.

Miscellaneous Settings

The Miscellaneous Settings pane of System Settings allows administrators to define and modify various settings, such as the default administration theme, default form theme, and default email from address. Click the advanced options link at the bottom of the page to view the available setting parameters. The settings parameters should be self-explanatory, with additional on-screen help available by clicking and hovering over the green question mark icons.

Advanced Options

  • Admin Panel Header Image URL: Update the header images on both the administrative and user portal header sections with the URL of the image's location. This is a nice feature that enables you to customize the environment to better integrate with your needs.
  • Login Footer Image URL: Update the footer images on the administrative and user portal login footer sections with the URL of the image's location. This is a nice feature that enables you to customize the environment to better integrate with your needs.

  • User Portal Homepage Video URL: The URL of a video file to be displayed on the User Portal homepage. This feature provides a great opportunity to display informative and instructional video content to your User Portal subscribers. There are advertising possibilities as well.

  • Disclaimer message: Set a disclaimer message that shows up in a popup when a user attempts to download a file.

  • Enable Account Management Notification: If enabled, the administrator will be notified when a new user is registered.

  • Enable welcome message notification: If enabled, the user will get a welcome message in a popup window.

  • Default Email From Name: Update this option with the title of the email subject line you wish to send out to users to help identify the purpose of the email message to recipients. This is the default name used to send all form notifications and system-related emails from the IT Audit Machine (examples: password reset email, form resume email).

  • Default Email From Address: Update this option with the email address you intend to use to display to recipients from ITAM. It is not recommended that you change this default value. This is the default email address to send all form notifications and system-related emails from the IT Audit Machine (for example, password reset email, form resume email).

  • IT Audit Machine URL: It is not recommended that this default value be changed. Doing so will break certain functionality, such as the "Allow Clients to Save and Resume Later" feature.

  • File Upload Folder: You are not recommended to change this default value. Doing so will break certain functionality, such as file uploads to the system, a critical feature.

  • Default Form Theme: Update this option with the theme you want ITAM to default. We recommend building a theme for your company and defaulting to it, bringing a great branding feature to your ITAM experience.

  • Document Font Family: This font family will be used on every document.

  • Form Manager Max List: Update this option with the number of ITAM forms you want displayed in the administrative portal's Manage Forms tab.

  • Remove the "Powered by IT Audit Machine" link from all my forms: Select this option if you intend to "White Label" ITAM for your organization's use.

Form Export/Import

Some organizations may choose multiple instances of ITAM to segregate their forms and data along larger business units/channels or because of specific business needs, such as compliance with certain industry regulations and/or best practices. However, many organizations will often share similar form requirements. The Form Export/Import Tool allows ITAM administrators to export a form design structure into a file and then import the form file into another instance of the IT Audit Machine. Once imported, the form can be modified within the new instance of ITAM as usual. This can save significant duplication effort in developing forms across an organization.

ITAM License

The License Information may be useful when entering a service request ticket and renewing the license.

Warning: Be sure to click the Save Settings button to ensure that any System Settings modifications are applied.

Site Messages

This message will appear to Admin and Users when the site has been administratively taken offline.