What Are PCI DSS Future-Dated Requirements?

future-dated PCI DSS featured

The good news? PCI DSS 4.0 is out, but the adoption schedule for the new standard is quite generous. The better news? The PCI Security Council has decided to implement a tiered approach to adoption. The first will finalize when the previous version (3.2.1) is officially retired in 2024. The second, known as the “future dated” requirements, will have an additional year. 

This article will cover the future-dated requirements from PCI DSS version 4.0.


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Protected Health Information, File Sharing and Email

HIPAA featured

Protecting patient information is a crucial and necessary part of healthcare… but so is communicating effectively with patients. Considering that email continues to be the most common form of electronic communication, it stands to reason that providers meet patients where they are. 

However, HIPAA regulations have rather strict requirements for protecting PHI, and plain email just doesn’t cut it. Here, we’ll discuss how to effectively use email to engage with patients without breaking compliance.


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What Are the Four Types of Risk Management?

risk management featured

We’ve discussed risk management and its complexity–what goes into it, what frameworks you can use, and how different forms of analysis and visualization can help you assess it effectively. 

But let’s pump the brakes a little. Have you thought about what to do about your risk profile? Do you know how to approach risk as a problem that needs a solution?

Here, we will discuss the four types of risk management approaches that enterprises use to address and navigate their cybersecurity risk.


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