What Is the European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)


The European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS) is an initiative to establish a unified certification process for cloud services across the EU. Cloud services and associated managed services are critical to most government and business functions, and the EU follows the example of other jurisdictions in focusing explicitly on this area of cybersecurity with the EUCS framework.

This article aims to discuss the framework of EUCS and explore the practical implications of this scheme for cloud service providers and their users. 


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What is a Data Processing Agreement in GDPR?

data processing agreement featured

Central to data protection in the EU is the GDPR and its data processing regulation. One of the most challenging aspects of GDPR is adjudicating the relationships between different parties handling data for various purposes–namely, relationships between managed service providers and the various, nebulous groups of organizations that use data for their daily operations. 

In this scenario, the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) concept is central to protecting data – a crucial contract that governs the relationship between data controllers and data processors. This article delves into the intricacies of GDPR-compliant DPAs, highlighting their significance and critical components.

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