Is your BYOD Policy Still Effective?

A proper BYOD policy

Reviewing your BYOD Policy

Many organizations already have a BYOD (Bring your own device) policy for mobile devices and allow employees to use their own devices — mostly smartphones — with certain restrictions. However, the current pandemic has forced companies to ramp up their work from home initiatives. In some cases, companies did not have BYOD or remote work policies before the pandemic. Implementing a BYOD policy comes with a lot of security concerns, adding to the increased risk of cyberattacks already brought on by remote work. To avoid a costly data breach, your organization must use caution while executing a BYOD strategy.

After several weeks and months, parts of the globe are beginning to open; now is the time to review and evaluate their BYOD policies. With the possibility of multiple COVID-19 waves in the future and the changing workforce from the pandemic, a proper BYOD policy is more important than ever.

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Remote Work Cyber Security Tips for SMB

Remote Work Security Tips for SMB

Stay-at-home orders across the country have forced millions of businesses to establish remote workforces that rely solely on internet-enabled applications and products to conduct business.

The overnight move to remote work has increased cyber security concerns for SMB owners. However, many still have not implemented remote working policies to address cyber security threats, according to a new survey from the Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI).

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