What Are Risk Assessment Methodologies?

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With the ever-increasing complexities of the IT and business environments, risk management has become crucially important for cybersecurity. Accordingly, risk management methodologies provide the blueprint for this anticipatory and strategic approach. They guide businesses in identifying potential threats, assessing their impact, devising effective responses, and monitoring progress. 

This article will introduce some basics of risk management methodologies and how they fit with different risk-based security frameworks.


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Risk Maturity and the Continuum GRC IRM Platform

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Over the past few weeks, we’ve discussed what it means to consider risk as part of an overall compliance strategy. We’ve emphasized throughout that risk doesn’t have to be an abstract pursuit–it can be a comprehensive part of compliance and security that uses the realities of regulations and frameworks to drive decision-making (and vice-versa). 

One of the approaches to risk and compliance that many organizations are seeing pop up in regulations is the concept of “maturity.” Maturity can mean a lot of different things, depending on the context. 


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