HBO Hack Underscores the Growing Threat of Digital IP Theft

HBO Hack Targeted Valuable Intellectual Property and Company Secrets

HBO Hack Targeted Valuable Intellectual Property and Company Secrets

Corporate espionage and the theft of intellectual property and company secrets have gone cyber. The latest victim is cable network HBO and its flagship series Game of Thrones. The HBO hack, perpetrated by a hacker or group calling themselves “Mr. Smith,” may involve as much as 1.5TB of data. Mr. Smith has been releasing their treasure trove in increments; so far, they’ve leaked five Game of Thrones draft scripts, complete unaired episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm and several other HBO series (although not GoT), the personal contact information of several GoT actors, company emails from HBO’s vice president of film programming, login credentials for HBO’s internal systems, and numerous other confidential documents.

HBO Hack Targeted Valuable Intellectual Property and Company Secrets

The HBO hack has been compared to the 2014 Sony Pictures hack, which involved the release of scandalous company emails. However, there are more similarities to the Netflix hack in April, where hackers stole upcoming episodes of Netflix’s smash hit Orange is the New Black and dumped them online after Netflix refused to pay a ransom.

Hackers are Coming

The latest Verizon data breach report highlighted cyberespionage and digital IP theft as growing threats. The manufacturing industry, professional services, education, and the public sector were noted as being especially vulnerable, but any industry could be victimized.

Hackers are still very interested in stealing identities and payment card data, but there’s arguably even bigger money in stealing digital intellectual property. Mr. Smith is threatening to release more data from the HBO hack – including full GoT episodes – unless the network pays them six months’ worth of the $12 to $15 million they claim to earn annually from cyber crime. HBO has offered Mr. Smith $250,000 as a “bug bounty” payment, which Mr. Smith has scoffed at.

Lessons from the HBO Hack

Entertainment companies make particularly attractive targets for three primary reasons, all of which also apply to organizations far removed from the Hollywood spotlight.

The entertainment industry’s entire business model is built around intellectual property. Hollywood sells nothing but content, and they are always making more of it. The same applies to software, game, and web development companies, as well as any business that sells content as opposed to widgets. Even companies that don’t actually sell intellectual property are in possession of some: Think secret sauces, R&D data, product prototypes, proprietary software packages, and vendor and customer lists. The Houston Astros MLB team lost millions of dollars when a competing team hacked their database and stole information on potential prospects and trades.

The industry is going digital. Film cans are being replaced by hard drives, consumers have come to expect online streaming options, and everything that’s ancillary to productions, such as scripts, lists of shooting locations, and actors’ personal information, is stored on networks. As organizations move from storing records in file cabinets to storing them on hard drives and in the cloud, hackers have more access points to more digital IP and company secrets than ever before.

The typical Hollywood studio has a complex cyber ecosystem. Film and TV studios depend on numerous third-party vendors to perform services, from sound dubbing to film editing, that involve access to company data. Often, these businesses are small and do not have the same level of cyber security as major studios. The Netflix hack was traced back to a breach at a small, third-party vendor – as was the latest Anthem breach and other recent breaches impacting Google, Trump Hotels, and Verizon. Outsourcing IT services to third-party vendors is commonplace in the digital age, so it is critical for all organizations to secure their entire cyber ecosystem, including business associates who have access to company data.

Hackers will keep engaging in digital IP theft because it’s lucrative. Companies will pay big bucks to protect their intellectual property and trade secrets. It’s far less expensive to invest in proactive cyber security and prevent IP theft from happening in the first place.

The cyber security experts at Continuum GRC have deep knowledge of the cyber security field, are continually monitoring the latest information security threats, and are committed to protecting your organization from security breaches. Continuum GRC offers full-service and in-house risk assessment and risk management subscriptions, and we help companies all around the world sustain proactive cyber security programs.

Continuum GRC is proactive cyber security®. Call 1-888-896-6207 to discuss your organization’s cyber security needs and find out how we can help your organization protect its systems and ensure compliance with all applicable laws, frameworks, and standards.


Third-Party Breaches: How Secure are Your Vendors?

Verizon, Trump Hotels, and the RNC are Among the Recent Victims of Third-Party Breaches

Verizon, Trump Hotels, and the RNC are Among the Recent Victims of Third-Party Breaches

Even if your own cyber security is up to snuff, your organization could be at risk of third-party breaches if your business partners are not as diligent as you are. Verizon just learned this lesson the hard way after one of its vendors, telephonic software and data company NICE Systems, left the information of 14 million Verizon customers on a misconfigured Amazon server.

Verizon, Trump Hotels, and the RNC are Among the Recent Victims of Third-Party Breaches

This incident did not happen in a vacuum. Other recent third-party breaches affecting major organizations include:

  • The Republican National Committee (RNC), whose data analytics vendor exposed the data of 198 million voters after leaving it on – you guessed it – a misconfigured Amazon server.
  • Trump Hotels, which, along with chains such as Hard Rock and Four Seasons, had its customer data exposed after a breach at its reservations vendor, Sabre Corporation.
  • A number of Google employees were also impacted by the Sabre breach because Google’s third-party travel management company used Sabre’s systems – meaning this breach happened at the third-party vendor of a third-party vendor.
  • Netflix, which had the upcoming season of its hit series Orange Is the New Black dumped online after a hacker breached a third-party post production house, Larson Studios. It has since been discovered that the hackers got into Larson’s systems by taking advantage of the fact that the company was running an antiquated version of Windows.

Third-Party Breaches Common in the Age of Outsourcing

Once a dirty word, outsourcing is a normal part of doing business in the 21st century. Organizations of all sizes routinely retain the services of third-party business partners to take care of all manner of functions outside their core competencies, from cloud storage to customer billing to payroll services. Unfortunately, because so many business functions are now outsourced, third-party breaches have more common than primary data breaches; an estimated 63% of all enterprise breaches can be traced back to a third-party vendor.

If one of your vendors gets hacked, don’t expect to be able to point fingers and pass the buck. Even if your business partner makes a colossal mistake, your organization will be the one that’s held responsible by your customers, any affected banks, and regulatory bodies. The infamous Target breach, which cost the company nearly $300 million and shook up its C-suite, involved a third-party vendor.

Protecting Your Organization from Third-Party Breaches

As with primary cyber attacks, the best way to deal with third-party breaches is to prevent them from happening in the first place. While you cannot dictate to your business partners how they should run their firms, as their paying customer, your enterprise is not without recourse:

  • Understand your enterprise ecosystem so that you can build risk profiles for all of your business partners. Who are your business partners, and what service does each provide? What level of access do they have to your data and systems?
  • Understand who your vendors are subcontracting to and whether they will have access to your data. As in Google’s case, a breach at a third-party vendor used by one of your third-party vendors can come back to haunt your organization.
  • Include cyber security provisions in your vendor contracts, including security measures your business partners must take regarding their own vendors.
  • Give your vendors the minimum level of access to your systems and data that they need, and no more.
  • Only do business with IT services vendors who have released AICPA SOC / SSAE16 reports and/or who have important IT security certifications such as NIST, ISO, or FedRAMP. These organizations have undergone rigorous security audits and have proven their commitment to the highest levels of data security.

Further to the above, if your business provides IT services to other businesses, obtaining the appropriate data security certifications is a wise investment that will help you instill trust in your customers. Continuum GRC’s IT Audit Machine (ITAM IT audit software) RegTech solution empowers organizations to get and maintain compliance the easy way, with self-help modules covering numerous compliance standards, including FedRAMP, SSAE 16, AT 101, CJIS, DFARS, COBIT, ISO 27001, ISO 27002, ISO 27005, SOX, FFIEC, PCI, GLBA, HIPAA, CMS, NERC CIP and other federal and state mandates.

The cyber security experts at Continuum GRC have deep knowledge of the cyber security field, are continually monitoring the latest information security threats, and are committed to protecting your organization from security breaches. Continuum GRC offers full-service and in-house risk assessment and risk management subscriptions, and we help companies all around the world sustain proactive cyber security programs.

Continuum GRC is proactive cyber security®. Call +1 (888) 896-6207 to discuss your organization’s cyber security needs and find out how we can help your organization protect its systems and ensure compliance with all applicable laws, frameworks, and standards.

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    Cyber Cooperation Is Crucial in the Era of NotPetya

    The NotPetya attacks weren’t as bad as WannaCry; they were worse, and we all need to start cooperating to prevent the next attack.

    The NotPetya attacks weren’t as bad as WannaCry; they were worse, and we all need to start cooperating to prevent the next attack.

    It’s looking more and more like last week’s NotPetya malware attacks, which infected computers around the world but hit Ukraine particularly hard, were designed to cause widespread damage and disruption, not make money.

    Unlike WannaCry and other ransomware, NotPetya doesn’t just encrypt files; it destroys Windows machines’ master boot record (MBR), doing irrevocable damage to the system. There is no such thing as a key that can restore a destroyed MBR. Additionally, one, lone email address was set aside for victims to pay the “ransom” and receive their de-encryption keys. This address was immediately shut down by the email provider, rendering payment useless. Cyber criminals who truly wanted to collect money would have anticipated this.

    NotPetya also has no known “kill switch.” The only way to stop it is to prevent it from infecting your machine in the first place.

    NotPetya successfully caused chaos, mostly in Ukraine, where it hit organizations ranging from shipping companies to the infamous Chernobyl plant.

    NSA Hack the Gift That Keeps on Giving to Cyber Criminals

    Like the recent WannaCry attacks and cryptocurrency mining malware infections, NotPetya exploits the EternalBlue vulnerability found in older versions of MS Windows, the one made public last year after a group calling itself the Shadow Brokers sent a list of stolen NSA hacking tools to WikiLeaks. In the immediate aftermath of the NSA hack, the biggest question arguably was, “If one of the world’s most covert spy agencies can be breached, where does that leave everyone else?” Now, even bigger questions are emerging regarding the NSA’s (or any government agency’s) responsibility for cyber attacks that are committed using the cyber-spy tools it has developed, especially vulnerabilities that it finds but does not disclose to manufacturers. NextGov reports:

    NSA, which employs more mathematicians than any organization on Earth, has been collecting these vulnerabilities. The agency often shares the weaknesses it finds with American manufacturers so they can be patched. But not always.

    As NSA Director Mike Rogers told a Stanford audience in 2014, “the default setting is if we become aware of a vulnerability, we share it,” but then added, “There are some instances where we are not going to do that.” Critics contend that’s tantamount to saying, “In most cases we administer our special snake bite anti-venom that saves the patient. But not always.”

    Everyone Needs to Start Cooperating

    In the aftermath of NotPetya, U.S. Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) sent a written appeal to the NSA, imploring the spy agency to do whatever was in its power to halt NotPetya and to commit to working with tech companies to prevent future attacks. Meanwhile, NATO released a statement declaring that NotPetya “can most likely be attributed to a state actor” and that the WannaCry and NotPetya attacks “[raise] questions about possible response options of affected states and the international community.” In other words, these attacks could be construed as potential acts of war, and everyone needs to start cooperating to defend against them.

    A few months ago, an article on ZDNet bemoaned what the author saw as a lack of cooperation on cyber security between organizations in Australia. Allegedly, we here in the U.S. collaborate much better – but do we, really? We’ve got a situation where our country’s top spy agency may or may not share discovered software vulnerabilities with manufacturers, and this lack of disclosure has led to two major cyber attacks in as many months, three if you count the cryptocurrency mining malware attacks.

    Clearly, the motive behind NotPetya was to cause real-world disruption of critical infrastructure. Even more concerning, the hackers behind it may have chosen Ukraine as a beta test environment for this new breed of malware, one that seeks not to steal data or lock down files, but to destroy systems beyond repair. The next attack – and there will be one – may be launched on a much larger country, maybe even the U.S., either as a standalone event or in conjunction with a wider-scale, real-world terrorist event.

    Preventing cyber attacks isn’t just about losing money and data anymore; it’s about national security. There needs to be cooperation between countries, and within countries, between all organizations, both private and public.

    The cyber security experts at Continuum GRC have deep knowledge of the cyber security field, are continually monitoring the latest information security threats, and are committed to protecting your organization from security breaches. Continuum GRC offers full-service and in-house risk assessment and risk management subscriptions, and we help companies all around the world sustain proactive cyber security programs.

    Continuum GRC is proactive cyber security®. Call 1-888-896-6207 to discuss your organization’s cyber security needs and find out how we can help your organization protect its systems and ensure compliance with all applicable laws, frameworks, and standards.