Complying with GDPR Requirements and the Europrivacy Certification Mechanism

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GDPR certification is quickly becoming a topic of concern for enterprise businesses worldwide. With news of Meta’s record-breaking $1.3B fine from the European Union, companies are learning that data privacy and compliance in the EU is no joke. This article will dig into GDPR to discuss how organizations can approach their security and privacy with best practices. We also discuss the challenge of finding certification bodies and the emergence of a new standard–Europrivacy–that promises to streamline that process. 


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How Can Managed Service Providers Handle GDPR Regulations?

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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has fundamentally transformed the data protection landscape for organizations operating within the European Union. Managed Service Providers, essential partners for many businesses, must also carefully navigate GDPR compliance to protect their clients’ data and maintain trust. Understanding the implications of GDPR on MSPs and their services is vital for ensuring a compliant and secure environment.

This article provides a comprehensive guide for MSPs to understand their roles and responsibilities under GDPR. We will delve into the distinctions between MSPs as data processors or data controllers, explore the concept of shared responsibility with their clients, and outline key GDPR obligations for MSPs. In addition, we will discuss best practices for achieving compliance, overcoming common challenges, and the benefits of adhering to GDPR requirements.

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How Severe Are General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Fines?

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We’ve already been seeing the changes for months now: new, robust cookie acceptance disclaimers, longer and more involved data collection forms and an uptick in fines for U.S. companies operating in the European Union. 

Companies in the United States are starting to understand their regulatory responsibilities under EU law, but few actually understand the scope of their obligations. Here, we’ll discuss some of the impacts that GDPR has on U.S. businesses and if that will trickle down to companies of all sizes. 


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